Since 1961, the lunar coordinate system was set so that an observer located on the Moon would see the Sun rise in the East and set in the West, as on Earth. Consequently to an observer on Earth, the Moon's Eastern limb is to the West and the Moon's Western limb is to the East. As the vast majority of Moon references use this convention I have adopted it here too. In text discussing Moon images on this website, West means towards the Moon's Western limb (i.e. our Eastern horizon) and East means towards the Moon's Eastern limb (i.e. our Western horizon). By convention North is up. Unless otherwise stated, in the Image Gallery, North is up, East is right, West is left, South is down. The VTM map of the Moon is divided into a 15 x 15 reference grid and nine maps. Each map links to the respective Image Gallery folder. Maps and their abbreviations: North West (NW|), North (N|), North East (NE|), West (W|), Central (C|), East (E|), South West (SW|), South (S|) and South East (SE|). Lunar features described below have a map and grid reference, e.g. Plato (101 km) N| G2 . Crater diameters are given in parentheses. Feature names are hyperlinked to respective images in the Image Gallery. Symbols ♠, ♥, ♦ and ♣ link to additional images. Map link returns to VTM map.